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Suspension/Revocation of Library Privileges

Library patrons engaged in unacceptable behavior may be subject to immediate loss of library privileges and possible legal proceedings, which may include police intervention and arrest. Except as set forth below, such patrons will be asked to leave the library and may not loiter in the vestibules, or anywhere on library property. Unattended children who have become disruptive will be directed by library staff to sit in front of the library, weather permitting, until a parent or caregiver arrives to pick them up. During inclement weather the child will be restricted to an alternate location within the library. Repeat offenders will be subject to suspension or revocation of library privileges. Such actions will be conveyed by the Library Director through a written notice, to be delivered in person within the library or sent by mail to the patron’s last recorded address.

Patrons who wish to appeal their loss of privileges may submit a written letter of appeal to the Library Director within ten days of the Director’s notice. Written appeals will be forwarded to the Library Board of Trustees for review. Decisions of the Library Board will be final.

The Harrington Park Public Library is committed to providing materials, information, services and programs to inform, educate, and enrich the lives of our residents.  We strive to do this in a welcoming environment as we embrace technology and other means of delivering our services within our budgetary constraints.



Director Judy Heldman


Website sponsored by HP5K Fall Spectacular

© 2016 Harrington Park Public Library


Website Created by: Laurie Meeske

Harrington Park Public Library
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